In short, I’ve learned a few unpleasant facts I don’t necessarily like on this lesson:

  1. Free WordPress themes are uncooperative and generally do not play well with other plugins. Despite my theme claiming it was popular and universal, it isn’t compatible with AMP and I’m certain that I will now have to invest new time and effort into selecting a new theme and customizing
  2. Preset layouts for themes will, on certain occasions, overwrite everything previously create
  3. Widgets also do not respond well to certain themes.

The Why and How of Widgets

I chose several widgets for my theme. First off, I chose a header with an image I thought spoke to my subject matter, that isn’t appearing properly. I decided to also include a call to action widget, which is also not displaying properly. Finally, I stuck with my current post widgets for the home page, so that users will be directed to the blog section quickly. I also stayed with the search bar widget because every website user expects search functionality as a matter of course. Also footers because social buttons and other typical functions are a necessity.

Design Changes and the Gains Involved

Scheduling a design change for your website can offer several benefits, starting with:

  1. Enhanced User Experience (UX): Design changes impact how users interact with your website. Regular design updates allow you to stay current with the latest UX trends and best practices. This means more user-friendly interfaces and a better browsing experience for your visitors. A well-designed website increases engagement, reduces leave rates, and encourages users to spend more time exploring, thus improving the chances of converting visitors into customers.
  2. Improved Visual Appeal and Brand Perception: Over time, websites can start to look outdated, which will absolutely affect how users see your brand. By scheduling design changes, you can keep your site’s look fresh. A modern and visually appealing website will help instill a sense of professionalism and credibility in the minds of your visitors. A strong brand image can lead to increased trust, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth referrals, all of which can contribute to the growth of your online presence and business.
  3. Adaptation to Technological Advancements: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and new technologies and devices are introduced regularly. Scheduling design changes ensures your website remains compatible with the latest devices, browsers, and screen sizes, enhancing the user experience for a broader audience. Staying up-to-date with advancements also helps you remain competitive and relevant in your industry.

In summary, scheduling design changes for your website offers benefits like improved user experience, a fresh and appealing visual identity, and adaptability to technological advancements. These advantages can lead to increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and a stronger online presence for your brand.