Web accessibility means inclusive design for websites, applications, and digital content to guarantee they’re usable for people with disabilities. The goal is eliminating barriers and creating equal access for individuals with disabilities to engage with online content. Here’s why web accessibility is imperative:

  1. Equal access: The goal of web accessibility is to allow people with visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive impairments the ability to navigate, comprehend, and interact with content the same way a person without those disabilities or limitations might.
  2. Legal and Ethical Reasons: In addition to the commitment to inclusivity most companies and organizations would like to foster, many countries have legal requirements around areas like this. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are just two such examples.
  3. UX: User Experience (or UX) is an improvement that can cascade to all users when properly designed for good enhancements.

Some Common Accessibility Pieces:

  1. Screen Reader Compatibility: Screen readers are widely used technology for individuals with visual impairment issues. By using proper heading structure, good alt text practices for images, and accessible controls, the savvy developer will open up their site to a whole new demographic.
  2. Captions and Transcription: Video and audio content are of concern for the hearing impaired. By providing written reinforcement in the form of captioning or a supplemental transcript, you remove a vital barrier to access.
  3. Descriptive Links and Alternative Text: Descriptive link text and alternative text (alt text) for images provide necessary context and info for anyone using a screen reader. They convey the purpose of links and images to all users.
  4. Contrast and Font: Those with visual impairment need the ability to distinguish text from other elements on a page. Being able to resize fonts allows them to more easily discern the content.